JK High Court Recruitment 2023, Salary 50,000, Graduate eligible –
JK High Court Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the posts of Steno-Typists and Junior Assistants in the Subordinate Judiciary of UT of Ladakh.
Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates who are domiciles of UT of Ladakh, in terms of J&K Reservation Act, 2004 & the Rules framed there under as amended by the administration of UT of Ladakh up to date, for participating in the selection process for the posts of Steno-Typists and Junior Assistants in Subordinate Courts of UT of Ladakh, as shown below.
Important Dates:
a) Date of commencement for submission of online application = 17.04.2023
b) Last Date for submission of online application = 16.05.2023
c) Last Date for submission of fee = 16.05.2023
Recruting Body | J&K High Court | |
No. of Posts | 15 posts | |
Last Date | 16.05.2023 | |
Application Form | Online | |
Salary | Rs. 50,000 | |
Selection Process | EXAM | |
Category | Govt Jobs | |
Official Website | https://jkhighcourt.nic.in |
Vacancy Details:

Vacancy Details
Download Notification: Download Here
How to Apply?
Applications along with the prescribed fee shall be received only through online mode on the Recruitment Portal of The High Court of J&K and Ladakh, link of which shall be activated on the website of the High Court: http//jkhighcourt.nic.in. Before applying online, candidates are advised to carefully go through the guidelines for online submission of applications. These guidelines will be available on the online portal of High Court of J&K and Ladakh. Notification regarding Criteria and Syllabus will be notified separately.
Important Instructions:
a) The reservation for various categories would be determined as per the provisions of Reservation Act, 2004 & the Rules framed there under as amended by the administration of UT of Ladakh up to date.
b) Application Form and fee payment shall not be accepted / entertained after the cut-off date fixed for receipt of the same.
c) Candidates are not required to submit the printout of the Application Form / fee payment receipt in the office of Pr. Secretary to, Hon’ble the Chief Justice, High Court of J&K and Ladakh at this stage.
d) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. In no other mode, the Application Form would be accepted and even online incomplete Application Form would not be accepted.
e) The printout Application Form along with fee payment receipt and required copies of documents, however, shall be kept ready to be submitted as and when required.
1) The in-service candidates / contractual employees shall submit photocopy of the filled up online Application Form through proper channel viz, the concerned Head of Department. In the event of failure of the candidate to route the application through proper channel, his/her eligibility shall be assessed as if he / she is not an in-service candidate. The Head of the Department concerned shall forward the Application Form of the in-service candidates at the address of the Pr. Secretary to, Hon’ble the Chief Justice, High Court of J&K and Ladakh within 15 days after the last date of filling of Application Form.
g) The last date for the submission of online application Form as prescribed above shall be the cut-off date for determining the eligibility to apply for the post. Any qualification/experience acquired after last date of receipt submission of online Application Forms i.e. 16.05.2023 shall not be taken into account for any purpose.
h) The prescribed qualifications reflect the bare minimum requirement of the job and mere possession thereof shall not entitle a candidate to be called for test/examination.
i) Call letters shall not be issued individually, however, wide publicity shall be given through print and electronic media, official website http//jkhighcourt.nic.inof the High Court about the venues, dates of the test/examination for the information of the candidates. No claim of being unaware of the dates/schedule for the test/examination shall be entertained.
j) No TA/DA will be paid for participation in the test/examination.