The Concerning Trend of Pushing Students Towards Competitive Exams and Specific Career Paths: A Call for Individuality and Support

The Concerning Trend of Pushing Students Towards Competitive Exams and Specific Career Paths: A Call for Individuality and Support

The Concerning Trend of Pushing Students Towards Competitive Exams and Specific Career Paths: A Call for Individuality and Support

Date :- 14-06-2023

Author  :- Sajju Sajad 

Every year, thousands upon thousands of aspirants prepare for competitive exams such as UPSC, PSC, IES, and the NEET. These exams are incredibly challenging, and only a small percentage of candidates are selected. In fact, the success rate for these exams is typically between 1% and 4%. Despite this low probability of success, this craziness has been going on for decades, and only the walls of the room know how much one suffers during the preparation period.

One of the most concerning aspects of this trend is that many students are pushed towards certain streams or fields of study based solely on their parents’ desires. The notion that one should pursue a career in medicine simply because their family wants to see them with a stethoscope is bizarre. Our parent’s generation often wants something they like for their kids, not what their children like or what potential they possess, or what the conditions demand. This trend has created a massive inequality and an egoistic clash in society, giving unnecessary attention and importance to a few things.

This trend is particularly concerning because it can lead to students pursuing careers that they are not suited for or that do not align with their interests. It is essential to point out that not all students are cut out for a career in medicine or engineering. There are many other fields that may be better suited to their interests, skills, and talents. By pressuring students to follow a specific career path, parents and society can limit their potential and prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Moreover, this trend can also lead to a severe mental and emotional toll on students. The pressure to perform well in these exams can be overwhelming, and the long hours of study can take a significant toll on students’ health and well-being. In some cases, this pressure can even lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

The trend of pushing students towards competitive exams and specific career paths based on their parents’ desires is concerning. It can lead to students pursuing careers they are not suited for, limiting their potential, and causing severe mental and emotional stress. Parents and society must recognize that students are individuals with their own unique interests and skills. They should encourage students to pursue their passions and support them in achieving their goals, regardless of whether those goals align with their own desires. Only then can students reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

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